Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Home cook meal

Since the start of my holiday, yesterday was the first time I cooked an unusual dish at home.  I usually cooked chicken or pork and a veges.  Something very simple and easy.  Yesterday I cooked stuffed eggplants.  The eggplants were from my garden.

The eggplants were young and fresh from the garden.

These were all the eggplants.  I used 300g pork mince, 1/2 t salt, 1t flour and 1t cornflour for the fillings.

There was some left over mince from the eggplant. I cooked it in soup with 夜来香, also from my garden.  The soup was sweet and nice.

Other than these, I also cooked fried eggs with bitter gourd and carrot.  Bitter gourd and carrot were not from the garden.  More home cook meal to follow.......

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