Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Veges are cheap

I went to the central market with my mother after breakfast. We bought a few types of veges so that we don't have to go to market everyday since there are only three people in the house. The veges in Seremban are still quite cheap. In fact, I think they are very cheap compared to where I used to live.

I bought choy sum, gai choy, gai choy from China, cucumbers, tomatoes and beans.

These choy sum costs RM2

Gai choy costs RM2. My mother likes to fry it with garlic and some ginger. She cuts the stem very thin and chop up the leaves. She will add salt and a bit of sugar (not too much) so that it won't taste too bitter.

These are gai choy from China. They taste exactly the same as the normal gai choy above except that they look a bit like choy sum. The bunch is RM1. We ate this yesterday, cooked the same way as the gai choy above. Can you believe that RM1 for a plate of veges at home? My friends from Penang didn't believe me when I told them that the veges in Seremban market are cheap. They sell in bunches and most are RM1 a bunch.

Cucumbers costs RM1.40. These are smaller cucumbers. I peel them, take out the center and marinate them with vinegar and sugar.

Tomatoes cost RM1. They are medium size. I can't believe how cheap they are myself!

Beans cost RM2, RM1 per bag. Unbelievable!
Altogether, I spent RM9.40 on veges and these will last us at least three days of veges supply at home for the three of us.

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